Conscience... or faith?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

In the beginning, there was...

This is the first of many intellectual, controversial and independant-minded postings you will be seeing here. I have never been much of a blogger, but I feel I can gain a lot, as well as express a lot, from participating in this hobby. I'm "all-for" good debate; so, if you feel you have something to add or argue, please do not hesitate to comment my blogs.

For my first post, I would like to expand on my statement in this blog's description.

"The simplicity of the intellectual mind is known to cause faith in the abscence of moral conscience."

The first thing you must understand is that this is simply a philosophical oberservation through my own eyes. In my opinion, far too many intelligent people have claimed that faith has given them guidance. Not neccessarily faith in god, but simply faith.

I have always found myself dumbfounded when presented with this situation. I have no intention of telling them they're wrong, but my logic tells me they are. I have never denied religion as reality. I am what most would consider agnostic. I truley have no idea, and I refuse to speculate. To be honest, I don't really care. But that's not what this post is about. What irritates me is the subversion that appears to occur. From then on, they rely on their first guess for they believe they are being guided.

I have always believed that we make our own choices. No matter how controversial, no matter how difficult - we walk our own path. It is not the choices we make that truly define our character, but it is the way we make those choices. Whether we rely on our peers, our intellectual selves, or 'guidance', shows some inner-character. I do not believe that anything or anyone, no matter how divine, can make our choices for us.

So I leave you with this advice: learn to make your own choices based on your own moral conscience, not on what society or the bibles tells you, but on your own intellect. There's a reason man dominates this planet.


Anonymous said...

I agreed with you up until the point about decisions. I'm a christian so here is my view. God created us to glorify him, but in creating us he gave us a free will. So yes we do make our own decisions, but its usually the faith that HELPS lead us in our decision making. Just my 2 cents. good read though

Anonymous said...

I agree with Darrel. We do make our own choices in life, true indeed. I too am a Christian, and have read the bible myself. I believe that there could be a greater being, and yes, evolution does have its points over creation. You must think of this though, if you were in a life or death situation, what would be running through your mind. I personally would be thinking of my life, and where I would go. Me believing in God, helps me think that I may be going to a better place when my time on Earth is done. We all have opinions, and that is another road that we choose to take.

Mr. Technician said...

Too cold to read right now, BE BACK LATER WHEN BRAIN IS NOT ICEY.